Catholic Engaged Encounter
English Canada East
“A Wedding is a Day. A Marriage is a Lifetime”
Catholic Engaged Encounter for Eastern Canada (Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland & Labrador and Nunavut) will be offering both
In-Person and Virtual Weekends in 2024.
The CEE Weekend is best experienced as an In-Person Weekend. However, if CEE Weekend programs are unavailable in your area or you and your fiancé are separated by distance please consider attending one of our Virtual CEE Weekends.
Check the "Locations, Schedules & Registration" drop-down menu for details and to register for your Weekend choice.
Catholic Engaged Encounter has won recognition from the National Association of Catholic Family Ministers USA with the "Outstanding Organization in Family Life Ministries" award. They state:
"This award is presented to Catholic Engaged Encounter to acknowledge the number of years that this organization has provided excellent marriage preparation. Your members have worked tirelessly to provide training, outlines and resources for this important ministry. Your presence in many dioceses throughout the United States is a testimony to the impact that you have had on new families. The CARA study and evaluation of Catholic Engaged Encounter speaks of the value and importance of this ministry for the Catholic Church and other denominations as well. "
testimonial video to see what couples are saying about Catholic Engaged Encounter. View the following
To view comments from couples who attended our virtual (zoom) weekend click here: