Catholic Engaged Encounter
English Canada East
“A Wedding is a Day. A Marriage is a Lifetime”
Catholic Engaged Encounter for Eastern Canada (Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland & Labrador and Nunavut) offers both In-Person and Virtual Weekends (live sessions online).
The CEE Weekend is best experienced as an In-Person Weekend. However, if the In-Person CEE Weekend program is unavailable in your area, or you and your fiancé are separated by distance, please consider attending one of our Live Virtual CEE Weekends.
Check the "Locations, Schedules & Registration" drop-down menu for details and to register for your Weekend choice.
Please note: The CEE team of Eastern Canada will also voluntarily coach and help set up a diocesan team if the Bishop or a parish wants to put such a team together to offer the CEE programs in person once the COVID restrictions are lifted. We are appreciative of your intention to serve your community and have "Couple & Priest Step up" program in place that will help you write and workshop the talks and conduct the CEE weekend programs in your parishes and diocese.