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Feedback from couples who attended our virtual (ZOOM) CEE Weekends:

This weekend was an amazing experience that allowed my partner and I to deepen our relationship. I would definitely recommend this to any couple who is getting married. Thank you once again for all of your efforts and time to ensure this weekend ran smoothly.

Srigeerthanaa and Kanusan 

April 2020 Zoom EE Weekend

This weekend was very helpful in preparing us for our future life and marriage together. We have great insight as to how we will move forward as a couple and are well equipped for the sacrament of marriage. This weekend offered a great preparation and aid in allowing us to further form a unity.

Stephanie & Alesio

April 2020 Zoom EE Weekend

The course was well set up. It was really great hearing about the different topics from the different couples. They were very honest and generous sharing their personal experiences. The reflection time to write down our thoughts and then the ability to share with each other was also good. We spoke about things that mattered and shared things openly. We learned that we are quite aligned in the things that mattered and were able to combine our values for what we want to create in our marriage and in our family.

Tanya Viegas and Sean

April 2020 Zoom EE Weekend

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