Catholic Engaged Encounter
English Canada East
“A Wedding is a Day. A Marriage is a Lifetime”
Catholic Engaged Encounter for Eastern Canada (Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland & Labrador and Nunavut) offers both In-Person and Virtual Weekends (live sessions online).
The CEE Weekend is best experienced as an In-Person Weekend. However, if the In-Person CEE Weekend program is unavailable in your area, or you and your fiancé are separated by distance, please consider attending one of our Live Virtual CEE Weekends.
Check the "Locations, Schedules & Registration" drop-down menu for details and to register for your Weekend choice.
While the weekend is spent with other engaged couples, the time is meant to be exclusively for the couple to build a closer relationship. The weekend provides an opportunity for each couple to talk privately, honestly and deeply about their future lives together - their strengths and weaknesses; desires; ambitions; goals; their attitudes about money, sex, children, family, and their role in the church and society.
Engaged Encounter is not designed to take the place of several interviews that must be held with the marriage celebrant, who may discuss, among other things, the teachings of the Catholic Church, the Church's view of marriage and the meaning of the ceremony.
Catholic Engaged Encounter is presented by a team of two married couples and a priest, all of whom relate their personal experiences to encourage the engaged couples to examine their own relationship.
The format for most sessions is as follows:
presentations by the team;
questions for each partner to answer individually;
time for the couple to discuss their answers privately with each other.
Group discussions are generally limited to meals and breaks. CEE is not an adventure in group dynamics but rather a personal couple-centred experience. The focus of the weekend follows a natural progression from the individual - to the couple - to the church - to the world.
© 2024 Catholic Engaged Encounter